Instructional Games


Join. Play. Learn. with the Birmingham Duplicate Bridge Club! 

The Club offers instructional game opportunities for players who are seeking to improve their skills and knowledge of the game. 

Chat Games are for players who have completed beginning bridge lessons and have earned less than 50 master points. This game takes place in a more relaxed setting.  You may talk about your hand and ask the director questions.  This is an excellent way to make the transition from the classroom to playing in duplicate bridge games. 

Mentor - Mentee Games take place on Thursday afternoons during the months of August, September and October each year. In this game a Non Life Master player (Mentee) is paired with a more experienced player (Mentor) for the entire three-month period for coaching and encouragement.  Mentors help their Mentees by playing together in a regular game setting during this time.           

No 2 Life Master Games also take place on Thursday afternoons during the remaining nine months (November through July). In this game format only one member of the pair may be a Life Master, but pairs can also consist of two Non Life Masters.  In this game, players need not play with the same partner each week.      

For more information about a particular game, please consult the EVENT CALENDAR on the Home Page and click on the game date and time in which you are interested.
